15 finalists, 13674 votes and only 1 winner. A winner that in the end had almost twice the amount of votes as number two. A clear favorite, in other words!

The designer that US Habbos chose to represent them in the Global competition is... *drum roll* .. Funie!


Funie will win the second level Design badge, 6 items from the Runway line and a Trophy signed by Habbo Staff.

Funie will be representing the US in the global vote, competing against 15 other entries from around the world. The top three will go on to our table of judges, which includes Miley Cyrus, where one final winner will be chosen. That winner will then have his/her design made into real Habbo clothes for all to wear!

So keep your eyes on the Habbo Runway group page, the global poll will be announced later this week! In the mean time, take a few moments to answer our poll below!