First of all, thank you for responding to our latest poll about the merge!

We are really happy to see that the general attitude towards the merge has improved quite a lot since the first poll we did in March. The numbers are looking more and more positive, and 41% of you even said that you are looking forward to the merge more now than when it was announced.

As promised, we randomly picked 100 Habbos that all received a duck as a thank you for responding, so check your inventory to see if you got one!

Since so many of us are eagerly waiting for the merge to happen, the techies are obviously working extra hard dotting all the Is and crossing all the Ts (you don't want to know what they're doing to the Ws, trust us).

In other news, as promised, we have gone through and analyzed the item values in the five Hotels that are merging, to find out whether there will be any issues. What we're seeing when comparing between the new Big Hotel and the current Hotels, is:

1) Some items will raise in value,
2) Some item values will not change significantly, and
3) Some items will drop in value.

The #1 and #2 type items will not be a problem to anyone, but since we want to keep all our players happy we've created a list of items which will be most likely to drop. For each one of these items, the owner of the item will get a special compensation item, so you might want to keep the item rather than trade it.

(For those technically inclined, the method used to check the change in value is comparing the amount of items of each type that are in circulation in relation to how many active traders exist in each of the current Hotels, versus the final merged Hotel, and calculating the relative change in item scarcity, and applying that change into the recent aftermarket trade value of the item.)

The items that will receive a compensation are all listed below. If your item is not listed, we're expecting its value will roughly stay the same, or even raise in value.

US and CA Habbos will receive compensation gifts immediately when the merge happens, and we'll post more details on when the rest of the world will receive theirs in upcoming days...

- Hotel Staff

As usual, should you have any questions, please check the FAQs. If the question is not answered there, please post it to this discussion thread.

Gold Dragon Lamp
White Lace Pillow
Habbo Wind Turbine
Yellow Marquee
Golden Elephant
Sky Dragon Lamp
Gold Trophy
Gold Habbo trophy
White Sci-Fi Port
Greek trophy
Pink Fluffy Pillow
Urban Iced Shutter
Lightblue Spaceship Door
Toffee Ice Cream Machine
Candy Glass Sofa
Silver Elephant
Dragon Egg
Bronze Elephant
Strawberry Ice Cream Machine
Pink marquee
Terracotta Pillar
Habbo Turntable
Yellow Powered Fan
Aqua Spaceship Door
Gate (lockable)
Classic trophy
White Pura Egg Chair
Totem Spirit Head

Bird Bath (green)
Purple Dragon Lamp
Elf Green Dragon Lamp
Tiger Seat
Aloe Vera
Habbo Cola Machine
Terracotta Pillar
Blue Amber Lamp
