Friday, April 30, 2010

Test your Fashion IQ

To make it in the style biz, you gotta be a fashion wiz!

We got seven fashion questions for you, and if style is your game, you should have no problems getting them all right...

Monday morning 9am PT, we will cut through the frills and select 10 lucky winners among those who got all seven questions correct. These fashionable Habbos will each receive 2 items from the not-yet-released Catwalk line!

Good luck!

- Habbo Staff

Vote for your Runway Favorite!
Check out the Salon Line
Enter the Behind the Scenes competition

Click here for the poll!



Show your support and receive a special 1Goal Badge and Sticker.

Today, 72 million children in the world are denied the chance to go to school. These children could be our next generation's leaders, sports stars, doctors and teachers. But they face a lifelong struggle against poverty.

It doesn't have to be this way.

A big thank you to everyone who took part in our recent 1Goal survey. To continue to show your support, please join our 1Goal Group. We will reward everyone who joins the Group with the Badge and Sticker below at the end of next week.

Join the 1Goal Group now!

CA+COM Update

A message from behind the tech scenes!

Although we have been experiencing some delays, we are happy to report that real progress has been made this week. A good deal of blood (metaphorically speaking), sweat (sadly not metaphorical) and even a few tears have gone into the machine, and we are moving forward!

Unfortunately, we were unable to go ahead with the merge as planned this week because of a few smaller issues that our tech team wants to deal with in order to make the merge as seamless and smooth as possible, but within a week or so, we should be underway.

We want to thank you for your patience and understanding. If you have time, please use some of it to fill in the poll below before Monday 9am PT. 100 randomly picked Habbos will win a fantastic prize!*

*Actually it's a duck, but we happen to think ducks are pretty fantastic... ;)

- Habbo Staff

Most of your questions should have been answered in the FAQs already, but if you still have unanswered questions, please post to them this forum thread.


Go to this page to fill out the pole!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Become A VIP

Upgrade your Habbo Club to VIP and get new clothes, colors, hairstyles and furni. Get the VIP look now!

There are plenty of new VIP clothes and new monthly HC and VIP gifts out now! So go get your VIP today!

Habbo Runway Needs Your Votes

15 US finalists have been selected by Habbo Staff and Miley Cyrus, now you decide who goes to the Global finale!

Make sure to vote for the choice of clothing that you like and not what anyone else tells you to vote.

Make Room for Fashion Sass!

Last night the winners from the Habbo Runway Blog Spot Competition were posted on the Habbo Runway group page. I will post the winners right here on this Blog post. Look below to see if you were a winner! Also remember to keep voting on the Habbo Runway Group Page for the best look.

Congrats to..

Behind the Style Scenes

In Fashion, it's not all about the clothes... A lot more goes down behind the scenes before a look hits the Runway!

We all know that clothes don't magically appear... then again, clothes without a model and a model without the right style makes for a poor Runway Show - so here is what we're looking for:

* Habbo Design Work Rooms
* Habbo Stylist Salons
* Habbo Modeling Agencies

We have already been snooping around and seen some amazing stuff, but we want to see more!

We want that sense of spectacular glamour, intense drama and to-die-for divas! Can you do it??


* Build one or more of the above listed rooms.

* Take a screenshot of the room(s).

* Put the image(s) in an email with "BEHIND THE SCENES" as the subject

* Also in the email, make sure to include your Habbo name and the name of the room(s). If you want to submit more than one room, make sure to include all the images in the same email.

* Send it to

Deadline is Tuesday May 4th.

We will select winners for each category. They will all receive a Habbo Runway badge and 3 items from the Catwalk Furni that has not yet been released! The winning rooms will also be displayed inside the Hotel as official Habbo Runway Rooms. Please note: Winners are only eligible to win one category.

- Habbo Staff

Salon Furni
Workroom Furni
Habbo Runway Group


Big Business Fashion

And by business, we mean Executive!

Fashion is not just about the glitz and the glamour of the catwalk. Fashion is about designing clothes, hiring models, setting up runway shows, running labels, selling, buying, styling and promoting... Fashion is real big business!

So in case you're looking to up your fashion game by building an office to be reckoned with, you're gonna need the Executive line. Strong, streamlined pieces that do not take no for an answer...

The Executive line is available in the Catalog until Monday May 3rd.

- Habbo Staff

Build a modeling agency
Habbo Runway Group


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Habbo Runway Finalists

15 Runway finalists have been chosen from our Hotel, now you gotta decide who should represent us in the battle for Miley's attention!

So many submissions, so few spots! It was a tough nut to crack, we are so very proud to call the following Habbos the Final 15 from


Everyone, go VOTE for your favorite Fashion submission!

It's important that we choose the very best, as the winner will go on to fight other Hotels from around the world in the battle for Miley Cyrus' attention! The submission she picks in the end, will become real Habbos clothes to be worn by Habbo everywhere... how awesome is that??

The poll closes by the end of this week, so you'd better hurry up!

- Habbo Staff

1. Visit the Habbo Runway Group page.
2. Login or Register (FREE).
3. Select the radio button under your favourite design.
4. Click 'Vote Now' at the bottom.
5. When 'Thank you for voting' comes up, you're done!


Get Stylin

The Salon Furni has arrived, complete with everything you need to get your models ready for the Runway!

Whether it's for the Runway, a photo shoot, a stroll on the Lido Deck or a hot date at Palazzo Pizza, the do's gotta do it!

Open your very own posh salon and serve up the best hair there ever was!

The Catalog holds styling chairs, mirrors, work desks, mannequin heads (for practice!) and everything else you might need to make this the best stylin' salon in the Hotel!

.. but that's not even all! We also added some complimentary pieces we thought you'd like for your salon.

And then there's still the Runway Workroom gear, if you've get to finish working on your garments!

- Habbo Staff

Habbo Runway Group Page
Runway Workroom Furni


Friday, April 23, 2010

Let the green flag wave once more…

This is your LAST CHANCE to try to earn the very rare Racing Badge!

Let the green flag wave once more…

This is your last chance to try to earn the very rare Racing Badge!

That’s right, folks! This here is our very last racing poll and we’re going out in style – Talladega style, that is. This weekend brings us to the biggest superspeedway on the NASCAR circuit for the Aaron’s 499 race in Talladega, Alabama. Once again, 43 drivers will take to the track, reaching speeds of almost 200 MPH!

Take a look at the entry list at the end of this article and take your best guess as to who will win the race. Unfortunately, it looks like Ricky Bobby is sitting this one out. There are no prizes for 2nd and 3rd place. After all, only one car gets to pull into Victory Lane. For all those who already have the badge, you can still guess again but you can't win the badge a second time.

You have until the drop of the green flag on Sunday to get your entry in. If you want to discuss your picks, please visit the Habbo Racing Fans group page discussion forums HERE >>>

It’s checkers or wreckers this time – good luck!

Aaron’s 499 at Talladega Superspeedway entry list.

-Habbo Hotel Staff

Click here to enter who you think will win.


The Black Parlor Chair

Have a sneak peek into the next batch of Runway Furni, coming Monday!

We were gonna wait for the next phase of the Runway campaign to launch the second round, the Beauty Parlor Furni, but you know how it is... you get so excited you can't wait!

So we put this super cool Black Parlor Chair in the Catalog now!

The rest of the Beauty Parlor Furni will be coming your way Monday morning.

And don't forget, if you are looking to really change things up atop, then there is always the new VIP hair styles!

- Habbo Staff

The Runway Furni - Workroom Items
The Habbo Runway Competition
The Habbo Runway Group Page


1Goal Survey

Today, 72 million children in the world are denied the chance to go to school and instead face a lifelong struggle against poverty.

Education beats poverty - and gives people the tools to help themselves. 1GOAL is a campaign which is using the power of soccer to ensure that education for all is a lasting impact of the 2010 FIFA World Cup.

The charity campaign is bringing together soccer players, fans, charities, corporations and individuals to achieve the ambition of education for everyone.

Please take just a few minutes to fill in our survey and help 1GOAL!

- Habbo Staff


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Come Together

Find out how to combine your Habbo.COM and Habbo.CA accounts!

Do you have Habbos with ID accounts in both .COM and .CA? Want them to merge? Then follow these very simple instructions:

* Make sure both accounts have the same email address.

That's it! Difficult, huh? ;)

Merging the two Habbo IDs will of course make it much easier for you to play Habbo. If for some very special reason you don't want to merge your Habbo IDs, then all you gotta do is make sure they have different email addresses.

We recommend that you update your Habbo ID info this weekend in preparation.

Any questions? Just use our forum!

-Habbo Staff

Related links about merge.

Habbo ID
Habbo ID FAQs Relaunch FAQs


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Show off your style pictures ADDED!

Some of the pictures that Habbo's sent in of there style of clothes have been put on the Habbo Runway group page! Only 8 pictures have been added but don't worry Habbo's you still have until April 26th to get your picture on the group page and get that BADGE!

Go here to see if your picture made it!

RewardTV is Back With Even More Prizes in Store

Play RewardTV and you could win Habbo Club VIP!

From now until Monday, April 26th, you could win exclusive Habbo Club VIP membership thanks to RewardTV!

We'll be choosing 5 random winners daily. One top dawg will receive 3 months of VIP Membership, and 4 runner ups will get 1 Month of VIP.

How to Enter?

Just visit, choose the shows you watched last night, and play daily for your chance to win!

* Already registered on RewardTV? Just start playing again.
* Not registered on RewardTV yet? Sign up and then start playing.

To be eligible for the daily prizes, you must be registered, choose one or more shows that you watched the night before, and play those games. The daily prize slate is wiped clean each day, and you must play again to be entered for each day’s prizes.

And be sure to check out the RewardTV Group Page for more details and news on more prizes!


Trolling on Habbo!

I was posting on Habbo's number 1 group and it was one of my first threads in awhile. I posted a like/hate list..and everyone was being nice and saying thanks and all that except one Habbo had one thing to say because he/she thinks they are smart. I'm trying to say that hiding behind a Habbo account dissing other people is trolling and you can be banned for it. Hiding behind an account dissing other people over the computer shows that you have stuff that you aren't proud of in your life and that your just making fun of other people to make your self look better. SO DON'T TROLL ON HABBO! OR ANYWHERE IT CAN GET YOU IN TROUBLE.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Habbo Construction Badge Winners!

Did you get one?

Here's the last batch of 25 Habbos who won a Construction Badge over the weekend. These Habbos were randomly chosen from the 5 Coin Room Competition...congrats everyone!


Did you enjoy the 5 Coin Room deals? Become a fan on our Facebook Page and let us know!


Blog is the new black?

I was on Habbo today and I read the new article that was just posted. Ill try to post the latest Habbo news for you guys.

Don't keep your style sass to yourself, share it!

Fashion is all about opinion, and as you know, one day something's in, and the next day it is so totally out... Can you spot a trend or a fashion faux pax? Then write about it on your Habbo Home!

You can write about celebrities, Habbo styles or anything fashion related that you have an opinion on. As much or as little, just make it sassy (but with style... we don't want anyone in tears)!

Once you have written your blog entry on your Habbo Home, enter your link in the poll at the bottom of this article.

We will be picking a few Official Bloggers, and if we like your style (literally speaking), your Habbo Home will be linked from the Runway Group Page for a week, and your home gets to sport this glittery sticker forever (or until you grow bored of it).

The deadline for this competition is end of day, April 25, 2010.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Happy Monday!

Happy Monday everyone!! I hope everyone had a good day..I kinda did seeing how people love to start drama at school with my friend but thats taken care of. I did say this was a Habbo Blog but I will mix some real life things in to. So I went to look on the site Puhekupla and they always have all the latest Habbo badges and the new furni thats going to come out. Everyone always wonders where they find all this stuff..well they take it right off the Sulake servers with there high tech programs they have. As I was on the site I saw that Habbo has uploaded some new fish furni hmm...and some new VIP furni. One of the new VIP furni was a DJ turn table with speakers on the side..maybe the return of trax to Habbo...hmm..who knows.

Ok well thanks for reading today's blog and I will try to post something else today also. Also at the bottom is the link to the site where I found the new Habbo VIP furni and also the fish furni.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Follow Me!!!

Follow me on twitter I just added the Twitter gadget to my blog page so make sure to follow me and look out for any new tweets!

Hopped up out the bed turned my computer on and I started tweeting YEAHHHH I'm tweeting.

My First Blog

Well this is my first blog on here...hmm what to talk about..Well Hi im Joey and im Jye600 on this is a blog where I will talk about habbo and somethings in my life. So keep checking back for the newest and latest post.